V.E.T. Centre is sponsored by:

Rock Breakers & Post Drivers
Supporting Aussie Agriculture, Construction and Marine contractors. THOR Australia is the foremost name in heavy-duty equipment designed to meet the diverse needs of the construction, agriculture, and marine sectors. Thor offers an array of world-class technology including hydraulic post drivers, rock breaking hammers, pile drivers and compaction plates making them the go-to-choice for Australian machinery supply.

Sunstate Motorcycles
Motorcycles, marine & power sports
With over 25 different major manufacturers and hundreds of new and used vehicles in stock, Sunstate Group has your power sports needs covered. With 7 locations throughout the Fraser Coast, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast, they are one of the largest family-owned dealership groups in Australia.

Cattle Grid Manufacturer & Wholesaler
Gridrite designs and manufactures durable, high-performance grids for use in many applications including rural farm settings, Council grids for public access roads and Main Roads certified grids. All products are made in Queensland, using hot-dipped, galvanised steel and specifically engineered to comply with all the regulations for their application.
V.E.T. Centre is proud to work with:

Connecting People
Providing a platform that connects resources and delivers real outcomes across the Agricultural Industry.
AgPathAus combines the ability to post and search for employment with the unique ability to record individuals work experience, skills and certifications in secure cloud storage

UQ Skills
University of Queensland
Applied skills training for high schools, school leavers, industry and government. UQ Skills delivers nationally accredited and unaccredited training. RTO number #1511

Kimberley Agriculture and Pastoral Company
The Kimberley Agriculture and Pastoral Company is made up of four Indigenous-owned pastoral stations in northern Western Australia.
Mt Anderson, Myroodah, Frazier Downs and Bohemia Downs, are standing together under a single management structure to take advantage of the economies of scale offered from an integrated pastoral enterprise.
KAPCO provides an avenue for Indigenous people to gain training, skills and employment on country.

Woorabinda Pastoral Company
WPC is an indigenous owned mixed farming operation, part of whose purpose is to educate and encourage indigenous youth to apply for jobs in the pastoral industry.

All States Training

North Regional TAFE WA
Skills Ready
Whether you are new to the work force, returning to work, changing careers or simply looking to upskill, North Regional TAFE has you covered.

Yawuru Holdings
Broome, WA
V.E.T. Centre chooses to use:

Cross Country Drilling
Water drillinG & bores
Water drilling and water bore contractors based on the Sunshine Coast, servicing Queensland and New South Wales.

flexible termite solutions
Gympie Termite Treatment Services
Using Low-Impact, Environmentally-Friendly Procedures That Are Easy-Going On Asthmatics. Specialists In Termite Extermination, Pest Inspections, Baiting & Barriers.

Animal Management

Voted #1 for Quality Garden Power Tools
The STIHL brand is known round the world today for quality and service.
In more than 160 countries their products are helping people at work - and that has made them the world's leading chain saw brand.
V.E.T. Centre’s clients include:
- AgForce Training
- Anglo American
- Barung Landcare Association
- Bundaberg Regional Council
- Bush and Beach Tree Services QLD
- Busy at Work
- Compass Group
- Corbet’s Group
- CQG Consulting
- CQ University
- Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation
- Department of Agriculture and Fisheries QLD
- Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
- Department of Environment, Science and Innovation QLD
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
- Desert Channels Group
- Ergon Energy
- Extent Heritage
- e2m Consulting
- Gladstone Regional Council
- Jemena
- Kenilworth Rural Fire Brigade
- Kimberley Agriculture and Pastoral Company (KAPCO)
- Noosa Council
- Northern Peninsula Area State College
- Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association
- NuEnergy Infrastructure
- Origin Energy
- Pardoo Wagyu
- Queensland Hydro
- Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Partnerships
- Red Ash Consulting
- REO Heavy Equipment Repairs
- St Brendan’s College
- Department of Resources QLD
- The Rockhampton Grammar School
- Trility
- Triquetra Visions Pty Ltd
- WASCO Energy
- Water and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd
- Winun Ngari Employment Services
- Woorabinda Pastoral Company
- Yalga Binbi Institute
- Yawuru Holdings
- Zinfra