Choosing a Chainsaw Training Provider

Choosing a Chainsaw Training Provider

There are lots of providers who offer accredited chainsaw training. With so many options, how do you choose? Here are 7 key questions to ask before you decide:

  1.  How long is the course? Beginners cannot cover everything required and be fully competent after just 1 day. At V.E.T. Centre, we run our Level 1 course over 2 days. Higher-level courses are tailored to your experience. This means everyone gets the training and time required to be competent, confident and safe.
  2. What will I learn?  Does the course cover the bare minimum or will it ‘go the extra mile’? V.E.T. Centre trainers are here to help. If you have any questions or want to learn more, just ask!
  3. Who will train me?  V.E.T. Centre trainers are highly experienced industry experts who are passionate about what they do. All do regular PD to ensure they are always industry current.
  4. How many people will be on the course?  In a large group, you won’t receive the personal attention and time that you need. At V.E.T. Centre, our small group training ensures you receive the training, practice and time to be confident, competent and safe.
  5. Where is training done?  Some providers train in car parks or similar venues. At V.E.T. Centre we train ‘on-country’, with ‘real’ trees and plenty of timber to practice and perfect your skills.
  6. What equipment do you provide?  V.E.T. Centre’s fully equipped chainsaw trailer has 14 chainsaws (of varying models and sizes), 14 full sets of PPE and all equipment (from air compressor to benches and vices) and materials required for every element of practical training – including the maintenance, checking and cleaning of saws and chain sharpening.
  7. Who else have you trained?  V.E.T. Centre is trusted by industry. Our clients include Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, AgForce Queensland, Ergon Energy, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Department of Environment and Science, Department of Resources, local councils, rural fire brigades and many more.

For full details of all our accredited chainsaw courses, check out our Chainsaw Training page.